Event Series Spinney Strength

Spinney Strength

The Spinney at Pond View 2490 Pond View, Castleton

Free for LiveWell Group residents!  Join us for a strength training class for all levels and abilities.  The loss of muscle mass as we age can impact our health.  it can increase your risk for more injuries or not being able to heal as well from injuries or medical treatments as well as your balance […]


The Spinney at Van Dyke 6 Parker Mathusa Place, Delmar

Meet-up with neighbors for a game of Scrabble.

Event Series Craft Club

Craft Club

The Spinney at Pond View 2490 Pond View, Castleton

Bring a craft to work on with friends.  This is a casual group meet-up, and new residents are always welcome to join.  During the chilly days, sit by the fireplace […]

Event Series Bingo


The Spinney at Pond View 2490 Pond View, Castleton

Every Monday at 6:00pm, join in the fun and play BINGO!  This is held in The Clubhouse. Please remember to bring your key fob for access!


The Spinney at Van Dyke 6 Parker Mathusa Place, Delmar

A casual group meet-up of neighbors to play or learn-to-play pool in The Clubhouse.